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Will Making a Personal Injury Claim Affect My Insurance?

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How Filing A Personal Injury Claim Can Impact Your Insurance

There are a wide range of cases when it comes to personal injury. However, the only type of case that could potentially result in an increase of the price of your insurance due to the filing of a personal injury claim is if you are involved in an auto accident. This potential increase is determined by several factors, including your current insurance plan and the details of your accident.

Current Insurance

The best thing to do if you are involved in an auto accident, after seeking medical treatment, is to contact your current insurance company. They will be able to answer questions about your plan and what the accident means for you specifically. Some insurance companies, such as Allstate, offer “Accident Forgiveness” plans but these plans are often just one-time deals. This means that your premium may not change after your first accident, but it will if you have a second accident and are found to be at fault.

Were you at fault For The Injury Or Accident?

Perhaps the most heavily weighted factor when determining how your insurance will be affected is whether you were at fault or not for the accident. Any accident that was not your fault should not increase your premiums because it does not indicate that you are a higher insurance risk. However, if you are at fault your policy will most likely be affected. It is important to note that your premium will be affected by the same amount whether your insurance company pays the other person for vehicle damage only, or damages as well as injury. Your premium will be also be affected to the same degree whether the other person’s personal injury claim is settled amicably out of court without any attorney involvement, or if the case goes all the way to trial.

Call Our Attorneys Today If You’ve Been Injured

If you have been involved in an auto accident and are in need of a personal injury lawyer, contact one of our experienced auto accident attorneys today at (800) 969-4400.