Generally, insurance coverage should protect you from having to personally cover expenses related to a collision on the road in Philadelphia. However, if you have health insurance along with your legally mandated motor insurance, you may be wondering, Will health insurance cover medical bills from a car accident? In this post, we unravel the intricacies […]
Author Archives: Robert S. Miller
The Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Philadelphia
Using Philadelphia’s roads, whether as a driver, pedestrian, or cyclist, is an inherently risky activity. However, some of the city’s roadways are riskier than others. Whether because of their layout, the volume of traffic they see, or other factors, there are certain stretches of road in the City of Brotherly Love that have become notorious […]
Ways To Keep Disputes Out of Court
Have you recently been injured but are unsure about what options may be ahead of you? We’ve got just the guide to answer all your questions. Contrary to what you might think, very few personal injury cases actually make it to court. Most are settled well before that. Today, we’ll talk about some of the […]
Terms You Will Need To Know On Your Day in Court
Legal jargon can seem endlessly confusing, making the legal process all the more daunting for most people. Fortunately, you can prepare yourself at least a little bit by getting to know some of the most commonly used terms in a legal case. We’ve gone ahead and compiled a great list for you below. Do remember, […]
Consequences of Faulty Medical Devices
Even with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) heavily regulating the manufacturing and use of medical devices, a shocking number of people are affected every year by these faulty products. According to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, defective or faulty medical devices have resulted in nearly two million injuries and more than 80,000 […]
Hair Relaxers and Uterine Cancer
Find Out If You Have a Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuit Any person who uses hair relaxers knows the chemicals in them are quite strong. The smell alone is unmistakable. Recent research indicates there may be a link between hair relaxers and cancer. If you are a frequent user of the products, you may have reason […]
Worst Construction Accidents in Recent Times
Construction work is the backbone of every urban business district, every shopping center, and every apartment complex in the U.S. After all, you can’t have any of these things without crews of workers first building them. In fact, there are about 7.6 million construction employees working in the U.S. at any given time. That’s a […]
Repetitive Strain Injuries On The Job
Have you ever gotten a sudden hand cramp while writing? Or felt a pang in your elbow after overexerting yourself while playing sports? All of these are signals that your body is sending you to let you know that it needs a break. Strains can occur from a variety of activities, but the one thing […]
Do You Have a Medical Malpractice Case?
Undergoing treatment for a serious illness or disease is one of the most difficult things that a person can face. Every year in the U.S., millions of people visit a physician to address a health concern that they’re battling. Everyone hopes that they’re getting the best possible medical care. After all, we tend to trust […]
The Top 8 Most Common Construction Accidents
Did you know? According to the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics), there were approximately 4,764 fatal work injuries” recorded in the US in 2020. Unfortunately, a very large portion of these occurred as a result of construction accidents. Heavy machinery, hazardous materials, and a chaotic work area often create a work environment that makes injuries […]