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Philadelphia Drowsy Driving Accident Attorney

If you have been injured in an accident involving drowsy or fatigued driving, you may be entitled to compensation. It is important to understand your legal rights and the steps you need to take to protect them.

At The Cochran Firm, we understand the challenges of being involved in a drowsy driving accident. Our experienced attorneys can help guide you through the legal process and fight for the maximum amount of compensation that you are owed.

We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality legal representation and helping them get the justice they deserve. We represent victims of drowsy driving accidents in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.

This article will provide an overview of what you should do if you are involved in a fatal or non-fatal drowsy driving accident in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or Delaware.

What Is Drowsy or Fatigued Driving?

Drowsy or fatigued driving refers to operating a car while tired, sleepy, or otherwise not completely alert and focused. In the state of Pennsylvania, drowsy driving is just as illegal as drunk driving and carries an equally serious penalty.

It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as:

  • Working long hours
  • Lack of sleep due to health issues or insomnia
  • Driving at times of day when you don’t usually drive (especially if you’re already tired from the day)
  • Medications that make you drowsy
  • Stressful life events or emotionally draining situations
  • Not taking regular breaks while on the road.

No matter the cause, drowsy driving can result in serious consequences—from minor fender benders to major car crashes and lifelong injuries. If you have been hurt in a drowsy driving accident in Philadelphia, it is important that you seek experienced legal support as soon as possible.

Causes of Drowsy or Fatigued Driving

Many factors can contribute to drowsy or fatigued driving and lead to a serious accident. Without proper sleep, fatigue can set in and the body’s ability to concentrate is adversely affected.

The most common causes of drowsy or fatigued driving include:

  • Not getting enough sleep – Sleep deprivation is the most common reason for drowsy driving. The National Institute of Health recommends 7-9 hours of sleep per night but many people don’t get that amount of shut eye.
  • Taking medications with side effects – Many medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, can cause drowsiness as a side effect. It’s important to pay close attention to the label on your medications so you can be aware of any potential side effects.
  • Driving long distances – Long drives such as road trips or even daily commutes can affect your alertness when behind the wheel.
  • Sleep disorders – Sometimes, you might have an undiagnosed sleep disorder like sleep apnea that affects your body’s ability to get sufficient rest.

No matter what caused your accident, if you have been involved in an accident due to another driver’s fatigue, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages and more.

Impact of Drowsy or Fatigued Driving on Traffic Safety

If you have been injured as a result of a fatigued or drowsy driving crash, then you are not alone. Drowsy and fatigued driving is a serious risk to public safety and it can have devastating impacts on those affected by it. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an estimated 800 fatalities and 70,000 injuries each year are caused by drowsy and fatigued drivers in the United States.

It is important to understand why drowsy and fatigued driving is so dangerous. When someone is driving with reduced alertness, their reaction time slows, they have poorer judgment, they are more easily distracted, and they are less likely to take corrective action in response to unexpected dangers. As a result, even minor errors can lead to serious accidents.

The Cochran Firm is here to help if you or a loved one has been injured due to the negligence of another who was under the influence of fatigued or drowsy driving. Our knowledgeable attorneys will assist you in getting the justice you need and ensure that your rights as an injured party are protected. Contact us today for a free consultation about your case.

The Legal Implications of a Drowsy or Fatigued Driving Accident

If you’ve suffered injuries from a drowsy or fatigued driving accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses and damages. Depending on the situation, the following legal steps can be taken:

Negligence Claim

The liable party may be found negligent for their actions that led to the accident, such as ignoring signs of fatigue and continuing to drive. A negligence claim against the responsible person can help you recover medical expenses, lost wages due to inability to work, and other accident-related damages.

Product Liability Claim

The accident may have been caused by a faulty car or truck part. In these cases, a product liability claim can help hold the auto manufacturer accountable for supplying a defective product.

Wrongful Death Claim

In cases where a drowsy driving accident results in someone’s death, a wrongful death claim can be pursued by the surviving family members of the deceased. This type of claim can help them recover compensation for funeral expenses, loss of income and other damages related to their loved one’s death.

The Cochran Firm will fight hard to protect your rights and pursue justice on your behalf. Our experienced Philadelphia injury attorneys have successfully represented clients in numerous cases involving drowsy or fatigued driving accidents, so you can count on us to get you the results you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to filing a claim after an accident caused by drowsy driving, you may have a few questions on your mind. Here are some of the frequently asked questions about filing a drowsy driving accident case in Philadelphia:

Is It Illegal to Drive While Drowsy?

In Philadelphia, drowsy or fatigued driving is not illegal. However, if you cause an accident while drowsy or fatigued, you may still be held liable for damages incurred from the crash.

What Evidence Do I Need to Show Driver Fatigue Was A Factor?

In order to prove driver fatigue as a factor in an accident, evidence such as medical records of fatigue-related conditions and expert testimony can be presented to the court. Additionally, any available surveillance footage that may have recorded the incident can also be used as evidence.

Who Is Accused of Negligence in This Type Of Case?

The party accused of negligence will depend on the circumstances surrounding the particular case. Generally speaking, the driver who was impaired by fatigue may be held liable for damages caused by their carelessness or recklessness.

The Cochran Firm: Experienced Attorneys to Support You

If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of a fatigued or drowsy driver, the experienced attorneys at The Cochran Firm can help.

At The Cochran Firm, our legal team has the knowledge and experience necessary to handle a variety of personal injury cases, including those resulting from drowsy driving accidents. Our attorneys will strive to understand the details of your case and fight for justice on your behalf.

We will:

  • Investigate all of the facts related to your case
  • Determine who is liable for your injuries
  • Gather evidence and testimonies in support of your claim
  • Ensure that all applicable laws are met
  • Negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf
  • Represent you in court, if necessary.

The Cochran Firm is committed to providing our clients with exceptional legal counsel and representation. We have a proven record of successfully advocating for our clients’ rights and securing them the justice they deserve. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get justice for an injury caused by drowsy driving accident.

Give Us a Call

If you or a loved one has been injured in a drowsy or fatigued driving accident, seek legal assistance from a knowledgeable car accident attorney. The experienced legal team at The Cochran Firm is here to provide qualified representation for those who have suffered injury in Philadelphia due to another person’s negligence. 

We are committed to obtaining justice for our clients and helping them get the compensation they deserve. Don’t wait any longer, contact The Cochran Firm today to learn more about our legal services and discuss the details of your drowsy driving accident case: 800-969-4400.