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Philadelphia, PA: Johnny Cochran Lawyer

Philadelphia Failure-to-Diagnose Lawyer

Our Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose lawyers have helped people around the greater Philadelphia area for years with medical malpractice claims. We help people like you recover the damages you deserve when a medical professional negligently fails to recognize your condition and properly diagnose it. In these situations, you should expect the court to award you the damages you deserve due to the liable party’s negligent behavior.

A diagnosis failure can result in serious, permanent, and sometimes fatal consequences. The resulting injuries can be prohibitively expensive. Sometimes, no amount of money can make up for the damage done. The Cochran Firm in Philadelphia believes that the responsible parties should be held to account for their actions and to cover the costs associated with their error.

Why Choose Us

Once you know your potential failure-to-diagnose claim is eligible, choosing the right law firm to help you with the process is critical. Filing and winning a Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose claim is complicated and challenging, even for the most experienced lawyers specializing in these areas.

The failure-to-diagnose attorneys at The Cochran Firm in Philadelphia are an excellent choice to represent you in your legal claim. Our experienced Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose lawyers are ready to fight for your rights inside and outside the courtroom, ensuring you receive the skillful representation your case needs.

Our top Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose lawyer, Robert S. Miller, has been helping Philadelphia locals combat the injustices and medical harms caused by doctors who negligently fail to diagnose their patients’ conditions.

Mr. Miller has been fighting for the Philadelphia community since he received his J.D. and passed the Pennsylvania bar more than 30 years ago in 1992. He leads our failure-to-diagnose legal team of experienced and passionate attorneys at The Cochran Firm in Philadelphia.

Recognizing the line between an unfortunate diagnosis and medical malpractice due to failure to diagnose can be difficult. However, Mr. Miller’s extensive knowledge helps him determine whether your case is viable.

How We Can Help

When you meet with The Cochran firm for the first time, it will be during a free, no-obligation consultation. Mr. Miller will listen to your story, answer your related questions, and offer a preliminary analysis of your claim. He will explain the details that strengthen or weaken your claim and walk you through your legal options and the next steps to proceed with your case.

If we believe your failure-to-diagnose claim has the strength to succeed in court and is a good match for our team, we will offer to represent you. The Cochran Firm works on a contingency fee basis.

This means that you do not pay unless we recover compensation for you. We’ll take care of the administrative details, the legal work, and everything else. There is nothing to lose by meeting with our skillful Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose attorneys.

Failure-to-Diagnose Lawyer in Philadelphia

Not every diagnosis failure is an actionable offense. Most doctors and other medical professionals are responsible, hardworking, and diligent. If the average doctor of similar training would not catch your diagnosis, the court will unlikely award you compensation.

Instead, they will tell you that although your doctor’s failure to diagnose was unfortunate, it was not negligent. Therefore, you would not have an eligible failure-to-diagnose lawsuit.

Determining whether your situation is eligible for legal help is tricky if you are not well-versed in Philadelphia statutes and the previous rulings of your local courts. At the beginning of your potential legal process, one of the best things you can do is to seek reliable answers to your questions. A Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose attorney can help you determine the strength of your claim and whether it is worth pursuing.

Contact our failure-to-diagnose lawyers in Philadelphia to learn more about your claim and your viable legal options.

Call the Cochran Firm at 1-800-969-4400.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Failure-to-Diagnose Claims in Philadelphia

Medical complications associated with a failure to diagnose can leave you with challenging questions. Knowing whom you can turn to for answers can help put you on the right track. Our Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose lawyers can help.

Can a failure-to-diagnose lawyer successfully sue your doctor for lack of diagnosis?

If your doctor’s failure to diagnose was a negligent error, then your failure-to-diagnose lawyer may be able to sue to recover your damages successfully. However, the strength of your case may rely on other details, such as the available evidence of your claim.

Is it negligent if your doctor gives you the wrong diagnosis?

Sometimes a misdiagnosis or a failure to diagnose is negligent, but not always. Some conditions are very rare or challenging to diagnose. Sometimes, even the top medical experts may not properly diagnose a condition. However, if the average doctor had made the diagnosis, then the court may rule that the action was negligent.

What is the statute of limitations for failure to diagnose in Philadelphia, and are there any exceptions?

In Philadelphia, the court holds most failure-to-diagnose claims to a statute of limitations of two years from the date of the error. However, this rule has some exceptions, including if the patient was a minor during the failure to diagnose or if the mistake was not immediately discovered.

Will the court award me compensation for a failure-to-diagnose claim in Philadelphia?

It is impossible and unethical to guarantee how any court will react to a case, even for seemingly bulletproof cases. However, after analyzing the facts of your case, our Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose lawyers can offer you a realistic range of compensation that we believe the court may award.

How much is my failure-to-diagnose lawsuit worth?

It is impossible to determine exactly the value of your failure-to-diagnose claim in Philadelphia. However, certain factors, such as gross negligence, have a likelihood of increasing the final sum. Speaking with a Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose attorney can give you more insight into your claim’s worth.

A failure-to-diagnose claim often relies on many seemingly minor details. Sometimes there are exceptions to rules that may apply to your case. The best way to determine accurate answers is to consult with an experienced failure-to-diagnose lawyer in the Philadelphia area.

Get proper advice from a lawyer at the Cochran Firm.

Contact the Cochran Firm in Philadelphia at 1-800-969-4400. We will happily arrange your free consultation at a convenient day and time. Your Philadelphia failure-to-diagnose lawyer is waiting to help you claim the compensation you and your family deserve.