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Cochran Firm Blog, Philadelphia

Suing For Injuries Caused by Tire Explosions

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A tire blowout could happen anytime, and the aftermath can be fatal. A tire blowout is much different from a flat tire. Flat tires occur when there is a loss of pressure in the tire, whereas a tire blowout is the explosive release of the compressed air. When the air compressed inside the tire explodes, the tire surrounding the air is destroyed and thrown off the wheel of the truck. Even with a single tire blowout, 18-wheelers can easily lose control and stability, creating a dangerous atmosphere for surrounding traffic.

What causes tire explosions?

Tire blowouts can be destructive and very expensive. These accidents are typically a result from the driver’s negligence, inexperience, or an unavoidable situation.  Some more factors that can contribute to tire blowouts include:

  • Over-inflation
  • Under-inflation
  • Aging/bald ties
  • Overloading vehicle
  • Temperature
  • Manufacturing defects
  • Potholes

Many accidents involving tire explosions could have been prevented through precautions such as inspections, not overloading the vehicle, and changing tires as needed.


Determining who is liable for a tire explosion can be a bit tricky. In many situations, the driver is often the one held responsible, but it may also be the trucking company, manufacturer, retailer, or installer.

Trucking companies are liable for ensuring all vehicles are in proper working condition and pass all inspections before heading out on their route. All vehicles must have a maintenance schedule for automotive professionals to follow to help alleviate potential accidents. Failing to keep trucks in working order can be seen as negligence in court.

If an installer incorrectly installs a tire or installs the wrong type of tire, accidents are bound to happen. If a retailer sold you an old or defective tire, they may be liable as well. The manufacturers can also be held liable if the tires they made turn out to be defective.

If you or a loved one is hurt or killed in a truck accident due to a tire blowout, you need an experienced and knowledgeable truck accident lawyer at your side. At the Cochran Firm, we understand the difficult process of fighting large corporations and insurance companies to get the best compensation for our clients. Call our Cochran Firm Philadelphia office today at 215-569-4621.