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What Should You Do After Being Injured by a Defective Consumer Product

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The marketplace allows us to have great access to new appliances and products every year to make our lives easier. But, consumers are not aware of the defective products until someone gets seriously injured or killed. The drive for profits in today’s marketplace influences companies to produce at, what they call, optimal and efficient output levels. This business model further increases the probability of producing defective and unsafe products, and, in turn, puts its consumer’s safety into jeopardy.

A defective product is defined as a product that is unreasonably dangerous when used in the way it is intended to be used, similar to some instances seen in recent product recalls Some of the reasons for defective products is greatly due to poor quality control checks in the manufacturing plants—or, in other words, pure negligence by the producer. The steps to take after being injured by a defective consumer product will be explained below.

I Was Injured by a Defective Product. What Should I Do?

Manufacturers have an act of duty to protect all consumers from injury of their products. The state of Pennsylvania product liability laws prohibit the selling of defective and dangerous product to consumers in the marketplace. If your injury is caused by a defective product, then the first and most important step to take is to seek medical attention immediately and get your injuries looked at. Additionally, a person injured in the state of Pennsylvania by a dangerous product is protected by the discovery rule, which is in effect when the injured party discovers (or should have discovered) that the defective product caused their injury. Once the rule begins, the injured party has two years to file a lawsuit. Following certain tips for personal injury victims can significantly strengthen your case, ensuring that your lawsuit is strong and sound, and helping you to receive maximum compensation.

Safeguard Your Rights by Following These Steps:

Due to the complexities behind a product liability case, there are steps to take that can further help you in the courtroom after scheduling a consultation with us.

  1. Keep the Defective Product in Hand: This is one of the most important steps to take in order to really take control of your rights and use as evidence in your case. Defective products range from defective drugs and medical devices to toys or defective cell phones. By having this in hand, this will be crucial evidence for you and our team. We will work with industry engineers and experts to examine the defective product and determine the cause and essence of the defect.
  2. Document the Product’s Information: Make sure to keep all the defective product’s records, including the sales receipt, warranty information, maintenance documentation, or any medical records associated with the product. This information can provide additional evidence in proving a defect in the product and, furthermore, the wrongdoings of the manufacturing company.
  3. Seek Legal Assistance: Product liability cases are time sensitive. The faster you get in contact with one of our experienced product liability lawyers, the sooner we can get to work on investigating your injury and the defective product.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective product, please contact The Cochran Firm Philadelphia today for a free initial consultation. You deserve to be compensated for your injuries.