Generally, insurance coverage should protect you from having to personally cover expenses related to a collision on the road in Philadelphia. However, if you have health insurance along with your legally mandated motor insurance, you may be wondering, Will health insurance cover medical bills from a car accident? In this post, we unravel the intricacies […]
Category Archives: Car Accident
The Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Philadelphia
Using Philadelphia’s roads, whether as a driver, pedestrian, or cyclist, is an inherently risky activity. However, some of the city’s roadways are riskier than others. Whether because of their layout, the volume of traffic they see, or other factors, there are certain stretches of road in the City of Brotherly Love that have become notorious […]
Auto Accidents: How Much Should I Settle For?
Determining Settlement Amounts For Auto Accidents When you are involved in an auto accident, there are many factors taken into account when determining a settlement offer, with the three most prominent being: Repair/damage costs: The first factor taken into account after an auto accident is the cost to repair the vehicle. Generally, a car is […]
Is Cell Phone Use Illegal in My State?
Laws Against Cell Phone Use While Driving Distracted driving is defined as any activity that diverts attention from driving, including both talking or texting on your phone. In 2016 3,450 people were killed and 391,000 were injured in motor vehicle accidents involving distracted drivers. Many states now have laws against texting, talking on a cell […]
Most Common Types of Auto Collisions
Common Types Of Car Crashes in Philadelphia Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, with an additional 20-50 million becoming injured or disabled (Association For Safe International Travel). Auto collisions inluding traffic accident cases can happen to anyone at anytime, simply by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Amongst […]
What are the Long-Term Effects of Whiplash After a Car Accident?
Whiplash is a soft tissue neck injury that will often occur in a car accident when the victim’s head is suddenly jolted backward and forwards. The sudden movement can damage the soft tendons, ligaments, and muscles in your neck as a result of being stretched beyond their typical range of motion. Many people who are […]